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Captain Christopher Barry
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Captain Christopher Barry

D/S Captain Christopher Barry is a 24-year veteran of the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office. He began his career as a uniformed Deputy Sheriff working in the Headquarters Bureau and the Enforcement Bureau. In 2010, Chris was promoted to Sergeant where he gained experience in every uniformed command within the police division. In 2019, Chris was promoted to the rank of Investigator Lieutenant and was assigned as the Commanding Officer of the Internal Affairs Bureau. In his new assignment, Chris was tasked with overseeing the development of the newly formed Quality Assurance and Integrity Unit. With the goal of setting a desired standard of excellence in public service, the new unit objective was to promote the professionalism and integrity that is necessary to earn and maintain public confidence in the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office. In 2022, Chris successfully merged the 2 units into what is now the Office of Professional Standards. Early in 2023, Chris was promoted to Captain and is currently assigned as the commanding officer of the Enforcement Bureau.

As a supervisor, Chris recognized a need for subordinate development and has initiated efforts to bolster transformational leadership practices within the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office. Chris has become a student of leadership and has adopted a personal mission to develop future leaders within the Suffolk County Sheriff’s office.

Chris has earned an A.A.S. Criminal Justice and a B.S. in Public Administration with highest distinction. He has received the Trilogy Leadership Award from the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association by achieving certificates in Supervisory, Command, and Executive Leadership. Throughout his career, Chris has earned numerous training certifications from DCJS, DHS and FEMA, in multiple law enforcement and investigative disciplines including basic and advanced Criminal Investigations, Emergency Management, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Dignitary Protection, Hazardous Materials Operations and Response, WMD Operations and Response to name a few.

Captain Barry is a proud graduate of the 282nd session of the FBI National Academy.

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